The challenges we are experiencing in the contemporary era, such as digital transition, green shift, and, in the last two and a half years, Covid-19, imply a necessary adaptation of society.
To address them, the European Union, has decided to take an innovative and multidisciplinary approach, in various areas, including skills and the labor market.
Indeed, as part of the European Skills Agenda, in November 2020, the Pact for Skills was born; launched by the European Commission and considered one of the benchmarks for reskilling and upskilling in Europe.
To be precise, the Pact for Skills is within the actions determined on the basis of the 20 principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights, which aim to create a fairer and well-functioning labor market, putting skills, innovation and social protection on an equal footing, and building, as a consequence, more inclusiveness and opportunities.
The main interest is to create a shared commitment on skills development among European countries, working together to invest in training for all people of working age.
The figures who can join the Pact, so as to join forces in concrete actions, are: individual companies (including SMEs), industrial or cross-sectoral ecosystems, public or private and regional or local entities. These figures commit to promoting a culture of lifelong learning, building strong partnerships and monitoring the market by anticipating needs, at the same time they commit to work against discrimination for equal opportunities (including gender equality).
In this scenario, it is important to highlight the relevance, in each sector, of cross-cutting creative skills, in terms of economic and social impact.
By bringing together institutions and representatives of the cultural and creative sector, Cultural and Creative Industries have also reached their own sector pact, established a common vision and identified challenges, needs and new skills.
Materahub, through ReCCI project (and many other projects, such as CYANOTYPES), is really going towards this mission. The goal of ReCCI project is to stem the skills gap among cultural and creative operators in order to make them developing soft skills such as entrepreneurship, digital, cross-fertilization skills, mainly to increase their competitiveness in a post-pandemic support perspective.
The overall goal of Materahub is to build a strong alliance within the cultural ecosystem, bringing together a wide variety of organizations, stakeholders, and European networks to address the needs and skills gaps in the Cultural & Creative Industries.
Pact for skills
The European Pillar of social Rights in 20 principles